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The Rector's Foreword
Welcome to the Fourteenth Edition of the International Conference "Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture", organized by the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest between 5th and 7th June 2025.
As the first agricultural school established in 1852, our university has responded to the exigencies of professional training for the development of Romanian agriculture, despite times of hardship. With one of a kind platform and discussion space, authors are given the possibility to present their articles and also network during the conference days. The articles published after the conference are available, free of charge, here:
Facing the current challenges of society and primarily dedicated to the life sciences, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest is oriented towards the integrated approach to the economic, social and environmental realities. True to its mission, our university aims to gather together researchers, students and professionals from agriculture and industry every year, in order to share the results of their scientific research, innovative ideas and practical experience related to agriculture, life and the environment. The 2025 Edition of our Conference shows the level of innovation embedded in our approach towards education and research.
We believe that agriculture is life, science and art and hope that the international community of researchers concerned with life sciences will find in our conference the opportunity to identify solutions that can contribute to the sustainable development of our planet. Furthermore, we hope you award us your confidence once again and trust that we can deliver an unforgettable academic event.
We invite you to celebrate together the joy of this event!
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Sorin-Mihai CÎMPEANU
Rector of USAMV of Bucharest